I think many of you would immediately think internet content is much bigger taking into consideration that it has been around far longer than mobile content. But believe it or not, mobile contents is 5 times larger in revenue than internet content.
I was reading a blog from MobHappy, where Russell Buckley commented on Patrick Parodi's (Chairman of MEF) stat on the worldwide size of both contents :
Worldwide size of mobile content : US$20 billion
Worldwide size of internet content : US$4 billion
I have no idea where those figures were obtained and whether he is refering to all forms of content (ie, including ad-supported content) but it shows the size of the market. It’s mostly ringtones, i reckon. Impressive stat taking into consideration internet content is a whole lot more interesting and better than mobile content but strange enough people would rather spend more money on mobile content.
Its all about user experience and simplicity as its alot more easier to pay on mobile than to pay online. The mobile payment infrastructure based on premium sms is mature and simple thus allowing users the simplicity to make mobile purchase.
There is No Bigger it's all IP content; Rooted in SGML moved to XML & Values are based on Eye time, Interest (Level)& the slice of population you are reaching (Value of the Target).
In addition Interactive Agencies Triple Play Content TV|Web|Mobile
Ask someone where they got the message or Ad & they can guess but not know for sure.
So how to get a number ADD the TWO; Take content capable mobile; sort by Market-Age-Country- Equipment-Push by Mobile Operators: ( Then Guess how the markets you know square as a subset of the Total Market)
Then you will have a better idea of the Frame, The Question, & Your Answer
Because I have given Background Data to Wall Street Pubs IBD & WSJ , but they still mess up the story.
You are better off doing the Home Work if you want to be close.
hi rich, thanks for the comment. I m sure its more accurate if i do my homework back home.
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