Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Mobile Monday Shanghai April 2007

I was at Mobile Monday Shanghai the other night. About 2/3 of the participants seemed to be foreign expats. Several interesting companies demonstrated their products namely, Opera, Widsets and Openwave. The topic for the night "Is the pain of surfing on mobile phone over?"

To sum it up, the road ahead for mobile browsing isnt going to be an easy one though the common view is that mobile browsing will certainly play an important role in delivering information to us where ever we are located.

Almost all are of the view that the current mobile browsing experience has been nothing but a real pain. This could be due to many factors but its clear that the current gprs speed for mobile browsing isnt adequate to serve the hungry data mobile crunchers and to worsen matter, its simply too expensive to browse via the mobile phone. The current data rates in China isnt appetizing to encourage users to go online.

The mobile operators in china are still waiting for the green light from the Chinese government to launch 3g network which the industry believes that this should take place before the Olympics next year and with better speed on 3g and more afforable data rates, i believe the subscriber base on mobile internet will surge exponentially in China.

I m confident with a better network hopefully with 3g, it will open up a world of opportunity for mobile players from content to application providers to bring a whole new array of mobile services to the mobile internet users in China. With over 500 million mobile users in China, its without a doubt that the mobile space in China will definitely take center stage creating an infinite opportunities from content creation to mobile advertising and of course to how we share and receive information.

A well done job for the people who has put Mobile Monday Shanghai to great success especially to Bruno Bensaid who is the organizing chairperson. I look forward to the next coming Mobile Monday. Its great exposure and I definitely would recommend you to attend the next Mobile Monday in Shanghai. Bruno has promised this round with Dom Perignon Champagne. Its on the house and drink all you can. Did i get your right Bruno? haha...

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