Monday, September 22, 2008

Nokia's The Fourth Screen Video Commercial

The video ad was conceived to launch Nokia’s new phones, gaming service and music store. This is one of my favorite video that i always used for my keynote speeches and presentation. The short video clip of 2 1/2 minutes manages to cover the impact that four screens - movie, TV, computer and cell phone screens have on our lives. It was a pretty amazing accomplishment in just 2 1/2 minutes, considering the scope the commercial covered.

The movie screen starts off as socially interactive as people meet in the cinema. TV and computers, however, did the opposite leading to people withdrawing into their own worlds. Nokia hopes that cell phones will be able to bring the community spirit back again.

I m sure by the end of the clip you will agree that the powerful 4th screen had brought us back out to the community and re-engage ourselves with the world and sharing what ever we see and experience. In fact, i had used my Nokia N95 8G to capture the birth of my new baby girl, Arianne both on photos and video clips and posted them on a special blog at PrincessArianne.

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