At 955am sharp today (16 Sept 2008), baby Arianne Foo was borned into the wonderful arms of both me and my wife. I m already a dad twice and this is my 3rd time becoming dad again. Its a feeling thats hard to explain and i dont think there will ever be a word to describe my joy and happiness. You can check out for more info about my new baby at Princess Arianne's blog that i had started just days before her delivery.
Well done,my friend..U have outdone me n most people nowadays by having a THIRD addition.(most just stops at TWO like urs truly) Regards to ur wife too for a "job" well done..."factory" closing after this??LOL
Been going to ur site everyday...Keep it up!!
hi yong, thanks for your kind words. i m sure the factory will have to close after this round. Even if the factory would like to continue production, i think its going to be financially challenging to keep the inventory going. haha...
thanks for being supportive and i will keep the good stuff coming. cheers.
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