Monday, June 25, 2007

My Son's 9th Birthday Party

Time flies so quickly and in a blink of an eye my prince has just turned 9 years old (actual day is 26/6). No longer a baby he used to be. No longer a baby that I could carry in my arms. He is a young man now but whatever you may think son, you will always be Papa's baby.

I hope you liked the present that I had given you and though Papa wasnt at your birthday party, I m sure you had all the fun with mummy and your friends being around you. Papa could only wished to be there and I look forward to see you soon in Shanghai. Happy birthday son and papa as always miss you and love you no matter where I m.
Check out the video clip below.

1 comment:

Robert Foo said...

I also like to wish my grand son a Happy Birthday. We are both still growing up. I wish to see you happy and joyful all the time. Whether your dad or mum be around, but you rest assure this grand dad would be always be around for you no matter what happen. I want to make sure I could live right until you are married and have my great grand son by you as a gift for all of us. I know you and me can be there on that very moment of time.