If you want a free iPhone 3G, head over to this site for a chance to Win a 16GB iPhone 3G! All you have to do is drop a comment and you may end up with a brand new iPhone 3G. The iPhone giveaway will run until Sunday July 20th at 11:59PM ET. Good luck.
Hey ya id like a gift like that, ive never had a cel phone b4 and id apreciate if that would be possible seeing im the first one to comment:D
hi leo, i hope you win the iphone too. You need to click on the link on my blog and leave a comment on that site in order to qualify to win for an iphone. thanks.
hi...i want to win that iphone very much....please! you're the best!!!!
=( I want an iPhone so bad...it will complete my Apple reign of terror: iPod, Apple TV, Mac...I just need an iPhone...*crosses fingers
I am extremely fond of iphone. I wanna win it.
This phone is awesome I would enjoy it alot,I cant afford to buy one so maybe i'll get lucky and win one.this thing does it all!
Oh people....! All person who surf in this page, want this Iphone.. So why you say? : I want it, I very want it, please give it to me and something else... :) it's like, then you please something for Santa Claus, but when you write letter not comment ;DD Dear Santa, this year i was very good,and I want to please for you.... ;DDDD Ok, I was finished, but for the end I want to say: Please... I want this iphone ;DD----> joke... ;DD I just say... When someone of you, win this Iphone please, call for my ;D :) Bye :)*
hi friend, thankx for popping this kinda contest. i like that. even may i not win. but will see ur blog again for as a frnz .. thankx
hello i really want to win an iphone 3G but im not lucky.
Can you please show me that i can be lucky by giving me the iphone 3g.
Cheers George Michael Cyprus
mmmmmm das iphone... I see it many times in my wet dreams.. :P
the iphone 3G is so good als you.
i dreams altime over tihs good thing . (i dream match times)
ohhhh plzzz give it to me i always wanted and apple iphone .. i really dont care if it es 3G or 16gb i just want an apple iphone!!!!! please!!! thank you bye
finally the all new iphone has arrived . I to m fond of latest gadgets and cellphones . I waited for it and thot it to launch @ $199 in India as well so i can by it , but unluckly it doesnt happened . Thos Iphone is awesum , tremendous and updated with latest softwares . I want this iphone coz i cant afford to buy it and is one of my dreams to have it . By the way thanx to hav such a nice competition . I wont say "Plz let me hav it" coz i want to win it not beg U to give it to me
This phone has alot of joy. n 16 gb is very much for a man ok! So i want to win this, i'm a poor man but i'm an intellegent person so god plz help me....
Friend just awesome I love iPhone and am very desperate for it. If I get it I'll be very thankful to you as it will be my first phone. Also i'm a gizmo freak.
thank you ,
Hey iwould love to win the iphone caz i have wasted all my time writing this and my birthdayis coming up on the 30th of July so yea i want to win it for me birthday
thanks bye xo
Hey Guys,
We wanted to let you know …
Transfer is proud to launch a competition to thank everyone for supporting the group.
Register to the http://www.digitalTransfer.com.au site and go into the draw to win a brand new Apple® iPhone™ 3G with the latest wireless 3G technology, GPS, support for Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, and the new App Store.
hey i wan't to win an ifone for my mum.she haven't got the money to get it thets why i wan't the ifone
Mine broke... they won't replace it, i can't afford it, and GO phones suck! lol. I need a new one.
Hey, great offer. That would be great. Good luck with the site
I love sites like this..good luck on your future endeavors..
I will do anything you want if you award me the iphone. Seriously I'd swim in shark infested custard! Love the site. Mario
Actually I am very crazy about I phone but not have enough funds right now to buy it. When I heard of this competition I felt really good and entering this with the wish to win it.
Actually I am dreamt of having an iphone but right now have no enough funds to buy it so when i heard about this competition I felt really good and entering this with the dream to win. Well thnks to the organizers
Hey dude.. is the competion still open.. like... can i still win this by posting a comment.. if so,, SWEEEEET! I need this phonw in my life.. real talk... LOL! x
Hey guys .. I love this phone very much ... and will be happy if this will be mine, actually i can't afford it, its too expensive.. hopefully ... i will get this..
i would love to have an iphone since everyone is using it now days and i cant afford to get on , i actually kinda get jealous to with them surffing the net and all the kool applications , i really hope i can win it
i really wanna win it , please let me win , cuz u guyz rock :P
Iphone? Yes that is the king of mobile phones. I cannot think of winning this divine thing just by leaving a comment.....Whatever, my comment: "this thing rocks"
It is certainly interesting for me to read the article. Thanx for it. I like such themes and anything connected to this matter. I would like to read a bit more soon.
Cell phone blocker
hai good pals.i will be astonished to recieve an incredible mobile phone like iphone.i will reallly really be greatful to you if i really win this contest.iwould post it to my all 50+ friends to take part condfidently.thankyou so so so much sir.have a good going
hai good pals.i will be astonished to recieve an incredible mobile phone like iphone.i will reallly really be greatful to you if i really win this contest.iwould post it to my all 50+ friends to take part condfidently.thankyou so so so much sir.have a good going
I would love to win an iphone. They are so amazing and ive always wanted one. I cant get the money for it all so to get one for free would be a dream. Hopefully it will come true with this contest. best of luck to everyone who entered.
hey that iphone rocks!!!!, from the top to bottom.....it is very charming
i want this cell phone because one day when my friend and i were talking about the iphone he said that you can not buy the iphone and he has one. i cannot buy as my father will not permit. so i want this iphone so i can say to my friend that i have bought it.
I want this cell phone because I deserve it. My family and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
east or west "i-phone3gs" is d best i realy appreciale "apple" coz it is d best gadgets making company...in d world....:)n plzz i wana try your iphone once i hav i pod,ipad everythin except d all new iphone 3gs.....
"east" or "west" iphone3gs is d best gadgets 2 use in dis world...."apple" is d best company in dis world ..i hav ipod,ipad....except d new iphone3gs....so plz i beg u plzz give me 1ne iphne 3gs.
hey , i want to win an iphone..i've never had an iphone before:] i'd like an iphone for a gift:]
I've always wanted to have one like this. but everytime I go to stores who sell iphones i get disappointed because they're too much expensive for a person who has no work like me, it's just for my eyes only... but i'm positive that in the near future i could have one. and i hope this is it! thanks! hope i can win that iphone. <3
Hii finally i found an i phone please i cant afford to buy an i phone im 14 and i really want one i begging u i tried searching used one but my dad said no they might have done something to the phone and put it back all together and once u buy it, it stops working after two weeks and im taking this i phone to jordan,Amman so i could use it im begging u i really like to have i please!!!
Good Day; in times of searching i found out this site and was very shocked to see this add about a free iphone winning and I also wanted a iphone very much and because we are so poor and those kind of things are not our priority so it's a dream nothing much!!!!!!!!!!!! but for my prayer is that i wish i could have a iphone........... thank you
god bless u all
Ibrahim Athoof
Maldives, 009607750244
I want it, I very want it, please give it to me and something else... :) it's like, then you please something for Santa Claus, but when you write letter not comment ;DD Dear Santa, this year i was very good,and I want to pleasi want to win that iphone very much...e for you...
hiiiiiiii friends , i also wnna iphone . anybody tell me how i won iphone ????plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
heyyy sir , i want apple iphone , it's so imporatnt for me , plzzzzzzzzz i want this , plzzzzzz help me......
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