Its share price closed at HK$39.50 (US$5.09), 192.6% higher than the Offer Price of HK$13.50 ($.174). The offering raised HK$13.1 billion $1.69 billion) in gross proceeds, making it the largest Internet IPO in Asia and the second largest globally.

An impressive list of investors who had pariticipated including Yahoo! Inc., AIG Global Investment Corporation (Asia) Limited, Foxconn (Far East) Limited, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited, Cisco International B.V., and entities affiliated with Peter Kwong Ching Woo (Chairman of The Wharf (Holdings) Limited), the Kwok family (controlling shareholders of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited) and Mr. Kuok Hock Nien.

China has almost taken all the major crowns from the biggest country in the world, the largest mobile subscribers in the world, PetroChina, the largest and 1st trillion company in the world, Alibaba, the largest IPO in Asia and 2nd in the world, and soon to be ready tallest building in the world in Shanghai, and many world record breaking feats to come. And this is only the beginning of the new China.